Tea Break Rota 2024/25

Coffee / Tea Break Instructions


  1. All members will be expected to run the Club tea service at the meeting break
  2. A rota will be established showing the members and dates they will be running the service. This should not entail more than two duties per season. Three members will make up a rota.
  3. The rota will be emailed to all members before the season starts and will be published in the member’s area of the web site.
    1. The version emailed to members will not include contact details. These will be available on the version on the web site in the member’s area in early September. This is accessed using the member’s password.
  4. If a member is not able to attend on the date allocated, they should inform the other members on the rota and ask another member to cover for them. This can be done by referencing the version on the website.
  5. The Committee members will ensure all consumables are available. This includes Tea, coffee, sugar, milk, biscuits and cups.
  6. Members should arrive at the CE centre at 7pm to set up the tea service. The key to the club ‘darkroom’ is in the janitor’s room on the LHS at the top of the stairs. The key is labelled and is hung on the hooks on the RHS wall.
  7. Tables will need to be set up for the service. These are usually available in the meeting rooms or in the corridor outside.
  8. The urn is in the darkroom and should be filled from the tap there. Note; It is heavy once filled.
  9. The rest of the consumables are in the cupboard on the left corner.
  10. The urn is thermostatically controlled and can be left on until the tea break. Everything else should be set up ready for the break before the meeting starts.
  11. Once the break is over everything should be tidied away.

Coffee / Tea Break Rota


17th – Stephen Phillips, Derek Manson, Jim Watson

24th – Peter Grant, Kenneth Allan, Aileen Laws


1st – Alan Hutton, Phyllis Brown, Stephen Pratt

8th – Michael Foley, Robert Ralston, Alex Easton

15th – Tom Lowe, Fred Gibson, Sandy Barr

22nd – Andy Hamilton, Douglas Annan, Jon Adam

29th – Michael O’Donnell, Ian Tully, Colin Campbell


5th – Chris Johnstone, David Muir, Pauline Keightley

12th – Anne Mitchell, Colin Waudby, David Bland

19th – Steve Campbell, William Spangler, Paul Brupbacher

26th – Ian English, Ian Lavrie, Andrew Robertson


3rd – Andrew Tomlinson, Baljit Mann, John Stringer

10th – Ian Finlayson, Richard Arnold, Isobel Macleod

17th – Linda Brown, Louise Carson, George Robertson


7th – Norman McNab, Ian Watt, Ian Mitchell

14th – Diane Smillie, Dik McFarlane, Duncan McCallum  

21st – Elaine Prior, Elizabeth Brupbacher, Fiona Bryden

28th – Christopher O’Hara, Andy Gillies, David Halliburton


4th – Fraser McInnes, Ian Carbarns, Ian Pattie

11th – Iqbal Bedi, Neil McGregor, Malcolm Boddie,

18th – Jim Keightley, Jacki Clark, Lynne Watson

25th – Jim Duncan, John Hannah, Graham Docherty


4th – Alan Colvill, Donald Jamie, Graham Docherty

                                                                                   11th – Jack Quick, Maurice Lee, Stephen Phillips                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

*The remaining weeks will be filled by asking for volunteers in the New Year.  If you cannot fulfil your allocated week, please arrange a swap with another colleague, and let Malcolm and Stephen Phillips know the details of the swap.