Competition Hand in Dates 2024-5

Internal Club Competitions

Tues 22nd October    1st League Competition     Judge  Roy Robertson                                             HAND IN BY TUES 1st OCTOBER

Tues 26th November    2nd League Competition     Judge Guy Phillips                                                HAND IN BY TUES 5th NOVEMBER 

Tues 14th January 2024   Black & White Competition      Judge   Dr David Sadler                                  HAND IN BY TUES 17th DECEMBER

Tues 28th January    3rd League Competition       Judge David Spinks                                                 HAND IN BY TUES 7th JANUARY

Tues 18th March     Robert Simpson Competition  Judged by Club Members                                      HAND IN BY TUES 11th MARCH

Tues 22nd April    Annual Club Competition   Judge Clive Watkins                                                       HAND IN BY TUES 1st APRIL

External Inter-club Competitions

Tues 25th February     Interclub Competition with Hub Singer (AWAY)  Judge Guy PhillipsNo Hand-In. Selection will be made from existing entries.

Mon 31st March        Interclub Competition with Kirkintilloch   Judge TBCNo Hand-In. Selection will be made from existing entries.