Milngavie Outing April 2022
On the 26th April 2022 some members got together to pursue a photo challenge. The challenge was to make a portfolio of 10 images from the categories below. Participants were told to take as many photos in each category as they wished and include 2 from each of the five categories.
Category 1 – The West Highland Way – the first 500 m or so of the route.
Category 2 – Commerce – Pubs, restaurants, shop fronts, townscapes, houses and people in the centre of Milngavie.
Category 3 – Forms of Transport – Railway, road, moving or stationary and anything connected with them.
Category 4 – Flora, Fauna & Water – Milngavie in Bloom, Gavin’s Mill, The Allander Water
Category 5 – Milngavie By Night……with or without added light.
The images were submitted via the PhotoEntry portal by 5 members: Richard Arnold, David Ritchie, David Muir, Stephen Pratt and Peter Grant.
Members should login to Photoentry at: and click on Milngavie Outing to see all of the images that were submitted. The images were shown in the second half of Members’ Night on 8th of November 2022. A favourite panel was selected by a show of hands. Although all entrants received approval by some members, the most popular was by David Muir and is shown below.
All 50 Images are shown in the PDF below. David has given a nominal 20 to the favourite panel so that they come first on the list.