Syllabus 2024/25


Our Syllabus Secretary Elaine Prior has created a packed programme for the forthcoming season with a wide range of quality speakers and presenters interspersed with club competitions, inter-club competitions and members social evenings. A small number of lectures will be available on Zoom, generally during some of the winter months or when distant or international speakers present via the internet . 

September 24

Tuesday 17th   Members Night  Introducing our new members, the season ahead and the activities of our committee members (eg, Competitions, website, syllabus, Facebook)

Tuesday 24th   Stewart Dodd  Guest Speaker  54 Degrees South

October 24   

Tuesday 1st      David Hamilton  Guest Speaker  Macro – Wee Mad Beasties From the beginning of David’s macro journey to the present day. 

Tuesday 8th      Members Night  Digital, Print & Mount Clinic  Advice on different papers for printing and ideas for mounting together with how to upload images to Photo Entry

Tuesday 15th    Cherry Larcombe   Guest Speaker  Floral Fine Art. Looking at being more adventurous with flower and plant photography, with light, simplicity, shapes textures, inversion and botanical presentations. Photoshop ideas for post processing will also be covered to enhance your floral images. Presented via Zoom.                                                                                                                          

Tuesday 22rd    1st League Competition  Hand in by Tuesday 1st October Judge Roy Robertson FRPS Hon SPF

Tuesday 29th     Jane Lazenby  Guest Speaker  Working with textures   *** A few images from members will be required so Jane can demonstrate her skills with these images    Presented via Zoom                                                                                                                                         

November 24

Tuesday 5th      Members Night  Image Processing – Capture and Processing of Images from Phones and Other Cameras with Steve Campbell

Tuesday 12th     Paul McDougall  Guest Speaker  My Journey in to Wildlife Photography                                 Facebook@touchthe wildtours     Instagram@touchthewild

Tuesday 19th     Stan Farrow  Guest Speaker  Abstract Photography Presented via zoom. This will start with a discussion of what abstract art is, and whether there is truly such a thing as abstract photography. It will introduce the the work of some of the great abstract photographers of the past, and then the remainder will concentrate on how to create your own abstract images, including what to photograph and how to compose your work, before going on to develop some examples and ideas that you can try out yourself.

Tuesday 26th      2nd League Competition   Hand in by Tuesday 5th November Judge Guy Phillips

December 24

Tuesday 3rd        Members Night   Members attaining 1st,2nd,3rd,HC & C in the season’s first 2 competitions take a few moments to talk about their images and how they were composed.

Tuesday 10th       Ian Watt  Club Speaker  Japan

Tuesday 17th      Christmas Social Night   

January 25

Tuesday 7th        GDPU, SPF & PAGB Looking at some of the best images from 2024

Tuesday 14th      Black & White Competition   Hand in by Tuesday 17th December    Judge  Dr David Sadler ARPS, DPAGB, EFIP/b, BPE3

Tuesday 21st      David Queenan Guest Speaker Time For Photography The presentation is mainly landscape photography with the emphasis on staying local to make the best use of spare time to fit photography around a busy work and family schedule 

Tuesday 28th      3rd League Competition   Hand in by Tuesday 7th January  Judge  David Spinks

February 25

Tuesday 4th       Charles Everitt  Guest Speaker  Moving on   A nature photography presentation about how Charles moved away from a documentary style of photography towards a more creative one. Interspersed with with audio-visual, subject matter includes abstract patterns of nature, photographing water, wild flowers, fungi, wildlife and ICM.                                                                                                      

Tuesday 11th      Diane Smillie  Club Speaker  Exploring Mongolia Eagle Festivals, Reindeer herders and Nomadic families

Tuesday 18th      Members Night    Looking for 4/5 members to Volunteer and showcase their portfolios, can be any topic

Tuesday 25th      Interclub Competition V Hub Singer (Away at Clydebank)  Hand in by 11/02/25  Judge Guy Phillips

March 25

Tuesday 4th        John Hannah  Club Speaker  20 Wildlife Locations around Glasgow  Talk including maps, hints and tips and most importantly images of the species to be found at each location

Tuesday 11th      Members Night   Neil MacGregor  You Be The Judge Opportunity for Club Members to assess a selection of 15-20 prints then compare notes with the original judges comments and scores

Tuesday 18th      Robert Simpson Digital Competition   Hand in by Tuesday 11th March

Tuesday 25th      Charles Hamilton Guest Speaker Street Portraits  A selection of street portraits taken over the past decade or so

Monday 31st       Interclub Competition V Kirkintilloch (Away)

April 25

Tuesday 1st         Jonathan Genevaux  Guest Speaker  Waterscapes                                                                                                                           @jonathan_genevaux

Tuesday 8th         Elaine Prior Canada & Alaska or Americas National Parks  Andy Hamilton Harris 

Tuesday 15th       Members Night Out    Venue TBC

Tuesday 22nd       Annual Competition   Judge Clive Watkins   Hand in by Tuesday 1st April

Tuesday 29th        Fiona Brimms (PAGB)   Guest Speaker  Journey to India

May 25

Tuesday 6th           AGM & Annual Dinner   Venue TBC