Member Galleries
Welcome to Milngavie and Bearsden Camera Club’s Members Galleries pages, where you can see some of the photography taken by our members. In addition, you can see members photos on external sites by going to the external page.

New Member: Ian Watt
Ian Watt joined the club in 2023
See more >
Fiona Bryden
Fiona joined the club in 2022 and did well in her first competition.
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Ian English
Iain joined the club in 2022.

Colin Waudby
Colin joined the club in the summer of 2022. He is particularly drawn towards the vast range of textures to be found in materials, faces, decrepit buildings, landscapes and enjoys black and white
Sandy Barr
The club has provided me with a valuable critique on the never ending photographic process of “ learning to see “. Read more >

Ian Mitchell
When Ian joined the club he rapidly proved too good for the beginners’ competition See more >
David Muir
David is a new member of the club who has a good variety of images on his gallery page. see more images >
Richard Webber
Richard has produced some very interesting and creative image for our recent photo challenges. see more images >
George Robertson
George frequently does very well in club competitions. See More>
George has been very successful in club competitions. He won the Urban Category in the 2017 Guardian Landscape Photographer of the Year. His gallery shows the large range of his work. read more >

Neil MacGregor
Neil is an active member of the MBCC committee and the originator of the photographic challenges that started in 2020. He is particularly keen on landscape and nature photography and has done consistently well in the competition. See more >

My photography started at age 10 with a Box Brownie camera, recording family holidays. … I am also a member of the Scottish Photographic Circle and of the Royal Photographic Society and gained an Associateship (ARPS) in 2010. read more >
Pauline Keightley
My photography is about creative and alternative style, natural light, composition and photojournalism. … I realised then that good photography is about having a good eye for it while of course, good equipment is like having good tools! Read more>
Diane Smillie
Diane is a member of the committee and Events Coordinator. She brings a very important social dimension to our activities. She says “My interest in photography began some years ago when I was on a months volunteering project at a Bonobo sanctuary in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Africa.” Read more >

Duncan McCallum
Duncan is a member of the committee and club Chairman. He says “… My most important images will always be family photographs which only become more precious with time…. I am a firm believer that you take photographs for your own enjoyment regardless of what anyone else thinks of them. Having said that it is a bonus if they have a wider appeal. ” Read more >
Malcolm Boddie
Malcolm joined the camera club shortly after its formation and has been the Secretary for longer than most current members have been part of the club. He usually makes the announcements at the start of each meeting and introduces the speaker or topic. He is the contact person for the club and receives and deals with enquiries from those wishing to join. read more >
David Ritchie
David is a member of the committee and our hard-working Competition Secretary who organises all of the internal and external competition entries despite the fact that he has a demanding job. David is also a dedicated photographer who takes photographs when many of us are warmly wrapped up at home. read more >
John Hannah
John is a very keen and highly competent nature photographer and has travelled widely with long lenses in pursuit of his interest.
Norman McNab
Norman is a long time member of the club and is widely known for his Scottish mountain photography See more still images >. Also, see Norman’s Video Page >
Andy Hamilton
Andy is a committee member and was syllabus secretary. He is now the equipment custodian. See more images >
Stephen Philips
Stephen is a committee member and Vice-Chairman of the club. He has a particular interest in studio portrait photography that he pursues with great expertise and which has served him well in club competitions. see more images >
Stephen Pratt
Stephen undertakes a wide variety of photography and has deon well in competitions. see more images >
Linda Brown
Linda a long-term member of the club and has participated in our recent photo challenges. see more images >
Kenny Allan
Kenny joined the club fairly recently and has become a regular participant in the photo challenges that started in 2020. see more images >
Alex Easton
Alex is an enthusiastic member of the club who has recently produced some very interesting creative images for our photo challenges. See more images >

Tom Lowe
Coming Soon
Steve Campbell
Steve was a Committee Member until 2023 and during this period was the Web Editor significantly modernising the Club Website see more images >
Richard Arnold
Richard is a keen member of the camera club who particpates in competitions and challenges. see more images >

Peter Grant
Peter has been taking photographs for around 40 years and has been a member of the club since 1989. He enters competitions and is regularly receives one of the awarded places. See more images >
Ian Lavrie
Ian is a committee member and former treasurer. He has the distinction, as far as we know, to be the first person to win an internal competition of this club with an image taken by phone. see more images >
Ian Tully
This dramatic and impactful image of Ian’s appeared in the 2020 photo challenges that were instigated during lockdown. Ian is an Associate Member of the Royal Photographic Society (ARPS), holds a CPAGB and is on the Scottish list of approved club judges see more images >
Ian Finlayson
Ian is a long-standing member of the club who enjoys a variety of photography. see more images >
Willie McGregor
Willie has earned himself a life membership due to his service to the club, although he still insists on paying his membership fee. He has fulfilled the very important role of tea break organiser for many years. He enjoys a variety of photography including ships and macro. see more images >

John Adam
John has been a long term member and has recently submitted his first images to this website. We look forward to seeing more >
Jack Quick
Jack joined the club during the 2020-21 session and started to compete in the beginner competitions while learning to use Photoshop see more >

Niall Moffat

William Spangler See more >