Syllabus 2016-17

September 13th, 2016 
Pre Tea: Opening Night – Introductions and Announcements
Post Tea: Members Presentation: Diane Smillie – Out and About with a Camera

September 20th, 2016
Lecture: ‘A musical evening with Angus Johnston’
Photographer: Angus Johnston

For many years, Angus has produced images for the Paisley International Competition

September 27th, 2016
Lecture: ‘Photoshop – Something for Everyone”
Speaker: Hunter Kennedy MPAGB, EFIAP, ARPS

Hunter will demonstrate the techniques he uses in photoshop to enhance an image.

Hand-in for the first Club Competition

October 4th, 2016
Lecture: Constructive Comments
Speaker: Neil MacGregor and Ian Tully

This evening will be an opportunity for members to bring along a selection of prints or digital images for both Neil and Iain to give some constructive comments on how to apply some post production techniques in preparation for competition entries.

October 11th, 2016

Lecture: ‘My Journey in Creative Portraiture – From then until Now’

Speaker: Fiona Brims

Fiona will give a digital slideshow accompanied by the tale of her journey. How she got started and where she is now – hints and tips along the way

October 18th, 2016
1st Competion
Judge: John R Simpson

October 25th, 2016
Lecture: ‘Passion for Prints’
Speaker: Gabriel O’Shaughnessy FIPF, FRPS, MFIAP

Gabriel says “A photo can fill spaces that words cannot reach. For me photography is a means of self expression, an art form that allows us to portray reality and fantasy side by side. I strive to portray a mood or feeling that goes beyond the image itself and connects with the viewer. I am a member of Dundalk Photographic Society, one of Irelands premier clubs. In 2010 we rose to the dizzy heights of FIAP World Club champions”

Gabriel comes to us from Dundalk, Ireland

November 1st, 2016
Lecture: 20 Minutes of Fame
Speakers: We are delighted that club members Bob Scott, Duncan McCallum and Derek Manson will be giving short presentations using their images.

A selection of members will give a mini presentation of the type of images they like to take. This can be in the form of Prints or Digital images

November 8th, 2016
Lecture: My Landscapes
Speaker: Gavin Ritchie

We welcome back Gavin who is a former member of Milngavie and Bearsden Camera Club. He is returning tonight to give a presentation on his most recent landscape photos from around the country.

November 15th, 2016
Lecture: ‘The Art of Light Painting’
Speaker: David Gulliver  BA Hons – Fine Art Photography

Light Painting is a photographic technique that involves portable light sources coupled with very long exposure times that are normally captured at night. During each long exposure, the photographer enters the space being photographed and moves around the hand-held light sources. Because it is dark, the light ‘freezes’ inside the image allowing the photographer to create light sculptures that appear to float within the landscape.

Hand-in for the second Club Competition

November 22nd, 2016
Lecture: Perpetually in Motion Part 2 (with a few diversions along the way)
Speaker: Claire Carter

Claires’ interest in nature photography grew from a desire to record special moments to inspire her paintings. From this has grown her passion to capture the way light transforms a scene and to share those fleeting and unique moments. During the last 17 years her photographs have been used in a wide range of publications and her work has been acknowledged in international photography competitions.

Claire is returning this year to continue her talk from last year – Landscape photography as an action genre.

November 29th, 2016
Lecture: Moore and Moore digital prints
Speaker: Bob and Sue Moore


Bob and Sue are both photographers working in documentary, travel and panorama photography.

December 6th, 2016
2nd Club Competition
Judge: Clive Watkin

December 13th, 2016
Lecture: SPF prints/DPIs

December 20th, 2016
Christmas Social Night 

An evening of eating, drinking and social interaction (and maybe a wee quiz)


January 3rd, 2017

Due to this being a public Holiday, the Community Centre is still closed and the first meeting of the new Year will be 10th January 2017. Neil MacGregor has been rescheduled for 17th January 2017

January 10th, 2017
Lecture: ‘Disappearing Glasgow’
Speaker: Chris Leslie – Masters (distinction)

The skyline of Glasgow has been radically transformed as high rise tower blocks have been blown down and bulldozed. Photographer and filmmaker Chris Leslie is widely acknowledged as the most consistent chronicler of the city’s recent history. His presentation will be short multimedia films using photography and audio/and structured talk about his project with a PDF

January 17th, 2017

Lecture:Bits and Pieces

Speaker: Neil MacGregor

A variety of photographic images and subjects from local scenes to distant horizons which will encourage discussion and debate!

January 24th, 2017
3rd Club Competition
Judge: Campbell Skinner

January 31st, 2017
Lecture: Scottish Landscape and Wildlife
Speaker: Neil Barr

February 7th, 2017 

Lecture: An introduction to shooting video on a DSLR

Speaker: Matt Marais

Matt will explain what settings to use on a DSLR for shooting video; some basic rules of filmmaking; how to add movement into your shots to tell the engaging stories and how video and stills can be used together

February 14th, 2017  
Lecture: Latest Developments
Speaker: Andrew Hamilton

Andrew will give a talk on his photography journey since joining the club 18 months ago.

Wednesday, February 15th, 2017
The inter-club competition with Clydebank CC and Hub Singer CC will be held at Dalmuir Leisure Centre on Wednesday 15th February.
Judge: to be confirmed

February 21th, 2017
Lecture: Members 20 Mins of Fame
Speakers: Linda Brown and Peter Grant will be entertaining us with a selection of images and Margaret Buchanan will demonstrate the use of Lightroom to catalogue all those wonderful images.

February 28th, 2017  
Lecture: “Wish I was a photographer”
Speaker:   Ian Tully

Ian will talk about his influences and progress in photography over the last few years illustrating his talk with images over a period.

Hand-in for the Robert Simpson Competition

March 7th, 2017
Lecture: “And now for something completely different”
Speaker: Stuart Dreghorn

A showcase of images and stories detailing the ups, downs and interesting events in the everyday life of a commercial photographer

March 14th, 2017   
Lecture: Astro Imaging
Speaker: Douglas Cooper Association of Falkirk Astronomers

Douglas will be talking about photography of the night sky including deep sky objects imaged from Scotland and Spain. He will be bringing along equipment to demonstrate how it can be done.

March 21st, 2017
Robert Simpson Cup Competition
Judge: Club members

March 28th, 2017
Lecture: ‘All Around The World’
Speaker: Matt Johnston

Hand-in for the Annual Club Competition

April 4th, 2017
Lecture: ‘Wildlife and Me’
Speaker: Mike Fenton

April 11th, 2017
Inter club Competition with Kirkintilloch – Held at MBCC
Judge: Guy Philips

April 18th, 2017
Annual Competition – Prints
Judge: Peter Paterson FRPS MPAGB MFIAP

April 25th, 2017
Annual Competition – Projected Images
Judge: Peter Paterson FRPS MPAGB MFIAP

May 2nd, 2017
Outdoor Activity Event – BBQ – Murdock Country Park

May 9th, 2017

Please attend and support the club for another year.

May 16th, 2017
Annual Dinner
Venue: To be confirmed

The social highlight of the year, apart from the Tuesday tea/ coffee breaks.

Page content prepared by Diane Smillie