Syllabus 2019-20
As a consequence of the latest government briefing on the 16th of March the club has now suspended all lectures. The club secretary will be in contact with members.
September 2019
17th Opening Night Introduction Welcome to the first night of the session for all returning and new members.and a talk by the Club’s very own Margaret Campbell in the second half ‘Glasgow, an Alternative View’ over 25 years of photographing Glasgow, the book and exhibition of the images.
September 24th ‘My Relationship With Judges & Haw Eddie, Whit’s Yir Genre?’ by Eddie Telford. Eddie aims to encourage beginners to enter club competitions and enjoy their hobby. He will be showing a recent mixture of his work including travel, landscape, nature, portraits and sports.
October 2019
October 1st ‘Humanitarian Vision’ by Jim Holmes. Jim is a freelance documentary photographer specialising in documenting humanitarian work worldwide and especially the issues, needs solutions and outcomes of the development process.
October 8th ‘Wabi Sabi-Beauty of Things Imperfect’ by Alan Cameron
Alan will present prints and projected images. Alan’s talk will discuss the printing & finding of beauty in things modest and humble and unconventional.
October 15th Members Mini Presentations. Members will make short presentations of their work.
Willie MacGregegor – Toaty Woaty to Boatey Floatey (Macro to Ships)
John Adam – Street Art
1st Competition Hand-In
October 22th ‘How to Prepare an Audiovisual Presentation.’ by Bernard Longley ARPS and Keith Fisher ARPS DPAGB. Bernard and Keith will talk on how to put together a successful AV presentation and are recognised experts in this field. During this tour of Scotland, Bernard and Keith will also be visiting Dundee PS and Perthshire PS.
October 29th 1st Club Competition Judge: Peter Paterson
November 2019
November 5th ‘The River Clyde’ by Ann-Marie Coull LRPS. Ann-Marie is now a full time photographer with a particular interest in landscapes, pets and horses.
November 12th ‘Nature and Wildlife’ Our very own John Hannah will give a talk and presentation of his nature and wildlife work followed by a presentation on Botswana in the second half of the evening.
November 19th Technique Night A practical evening consisting of tutor groups on a number of photographic topics.
2nd Competition Hand-In
November 26th SPF Portfolio A chance to see the recent print work of SPF clubs. An evening of informal comment.
December 2019
December 3rd ‘Street Photography’ by Stephen Cosh. Stephens lecture will be an introduction to street photography. Check out his website for a stimulating range of monochrome photography in a variety of locations.
December 10th 2nd Club Competition – Judge:Roy Smith of Ayr Camera Club
December 17th Christmas Social Night
January 2020
January 7th ‘Out of Africa’– Our very own Derek, Duncan and Dai will give presentation of their African experiences.
3rd Competition Hand-In
January 14th ‘My Journey in Photography‘ by Campbell Skinner DPAGB, BPE2A selection of Campbell’s print work spanning the last 30 years and covering a wide range of subjects. In recent times he has become better known for his sport and event photography.
January 21st ‘Wedding Photography- where to now?’– Speaker Stuart Wood Stuart set up 1500 photography in 2007 after years of working for other top studios. In just 3 years, they were crowned MPA ”Scottish Wedding Photographer of the Year”, been nominated for the VOWS awards 3 years in a row, and have consistently won other awards since. He will talk about his career path to date and where photography is headed.
January 28th 3rd Club Competition – Judge: Ross Eaglesham
February 2020
February 4th ‘In search of Nature’s Images’ by Richard Bennett. Richard is a retired media professional based in Scotland. His presentation will be on wildlife photography in Scandinavia, UK, India, Tanzania, Kenya, and Yellowstone.
February 11th ‘Rucksack Diary: Travelling Around South America’ by Diane Smillie
February 18th ‘Art In Photography‘ by Clive Watkins. Clive will give a talk on the history and development of photography covering its influences from, and its impact on, traditional art.
25th Interclub Competition – Hub Singer, Venue Milngavie
March 2020
March 3rd Robert Simpson Trophy Competition – Prints judged by members
March 10th ‘Beneath the Waves and Discovering Photography above the Waves” by Jack Morrison. Although predominantly an underwater photographer, Jack has more recently been discovering parts of Scotland and elsewhere above the waves. He is enjoying this new lightweight photography without having to lug around a ton of diving gear.
Due to government advice on the 16th of March all further lectures this season are cancelled.
March 17th ‘Land of the Midnight Sun‘ by Malcolm Boddie. Our very own Malcolm Boddie will give a presentation on a recent trip to Norway.
March 24th ‘Behind the lens, Beyond the lens’ by Peter Cairns
Peter is a freelance nature and conservation photographer since 1998 and is a founding director of The Wild Media Foundation. He will talk about his dramatic journey spanning two decades of wild adventures and changing personal perspective.
Hand-in for Annual Competition
April 2020
April 7th Members Mini Presentations Some members will give some short presentations of their work.
April 13th Interclub Competition with Kirkintilloch at Kirkintilloch.
April 14th ‘My year in Photography 2019′ by the club’s own Peter Grant (given online)
April 21st Annual Competition – Judge: Guy Phillips Online Digital Competition
April 28th Club Barbeque Details nearer the time.
May 2020
May 5th AGM Please come along and support the club to ensure we have another successful year.
May 12th Online Meeting with Guest Photographer from Dublin Joe Houghton – Joe Houghton will run a Webinar on Long Exposure Photography. He is based in Dublin so this should be a first (link will be sent by email). Please note that members must register for this one meeting only using the email that the secretary sent.
June 2020
June 2nd Online tutorial on focus stacking with a members’ Q and A. Reuben McLean