Syllabus 2012-13
September 25th, 2012
Lecture: ‘Nature in the Landscape“
Speaker: Neil MacGregor
The club’s Neil MacGregor kindly kicks of the new season with a talk on Nature in the Landscape.
October 2nd, 2012
Lecture: ‘Commercial and Personal Photography’
Speakers: Laurence Winram
We are delighted to have Laurence visit the club. Laurence will be discussing his commissioned and personal work and take questions. Laurence (based in Edinburgh) has been working direct with clients as well as with advertising and design agencies since 1992.
He also loves to work on personal projects that keep his creative juices flowing.
Laurence recently was a finalist in the Saatchi Showdown competition and has his image; The Watchers hung in the London Saatchi Gallery.
October 9th, 2012
Lecture: ‘Moore Digital Prints’
Speakers: Bob Moore,Hon.FRPS,Hon.PAGB,MPAGB,FIPF and Sue Moore,FRPS,FIFP,MPAGB
Bob and Sue will be talking about their photography; we are delighted to welcome them to the club. They will have a selection of A2 and A3 Mono and Colour Digital Prints.
Bob Moore, Hon. FRPS, Hon. PAGB, MPAGB, FIPF, FBIP
Bob describes himself as a obsessive and passionate photographer for over 50 years. He has a wide range of accolades including:
Past President of the Royal Photographic Society.
Awarded Fenton Medal by the RPS for services to photography.
Fellowships of various photographic organisations.
Winner of over 300 awards in National and International photography exhibitions.
Interests include, colour, digital, monochrome, landscape, panorama, nature and travel photography. Supported lecturer and course organiser for PermaJet Ltd.
Successful National & International Photographic Exhibition exhibitor.
Experienced International and National Open exhibition judge.
Member of the Photographic Alliance (PAGB) main list of judges.
Member of TheLondonSalon of Photography.
Winner of many photo awards and prizes.
Major photo interests include, travel, landscape, sports and nature photography.
October 16th, 2012
Lecture: ‘Creative Consciousness’
Speaker: Dimitri Vasileiou
We are delighted to have Dimitri visit the club.
Dimitri was born in Greece but moved to Scotland in 1997. He was totally overwhelmed by the sheer beauty of Northern Scotlandand this, in return, led him to rediscover his fascination with photography, specifically landscapes.
Dimitri has had his work reproduced in the Daily Record and he has also had work published in a number of photography magazines and books including Outdoor Photography, Practical Photography, Amateur Photographer, Photoplus etc. He is currently writing articles every month for Landscape Photography Magazine.
Dimitri shoots digital, medium and large format film depending on the situation.
He now runs workshops via his company “Earth’s Beauty Tours”.
October 23rd, 2012
Internal Night: 20 Minutes (or Less) of Fame
If there are any photos that you would like to share with the club then please bring them along. Mini-lectures by club members.
October 30th, 2012
Internal Night: ‘Tilt and Shift: Trick or Treat?’
The club’s very own Marc De Ridder will present an evening in two halfs. The first half Marc will give a talk about the use of tilt and shift in photography. The second half, Marc will be showing the club’s revamped website, especially to show you how you can contribute to the website’s content.
Monday November 5th, 2012
Non Club Night: ‘Trip to Glasgow Fireworks Display’
Come and join the fun and crowds at Glasgow Green and get snapping at Glasgow’s spectacular firework display. Equipment needed – tripod (for long exposures), remote shutter release, small torch.
See following information on website about how to take firework photography.
November 6th, 2012
1st Club Competition
Judge: Guy Phillips
Guy’s Website:
November 13th, 2012
Lecture: ‘More Ways To Take Better Landscape and Nature Photographs’
Speaker: Guy Edwardes
We are delighted to welcome Guy back to the club. Guy is a professional landscape, travel and wildlife photographer based in South West England. He has been a professional nature and landscape photographer for fourteen years.
Guy now concentrate’s on stock photography, with The Getty Images acting as his main international agent. He market’s a library of over 150,000 35mm, medium format and digital images. Many of his most successful images have been taken within a few miles of his home.
Guy’s work has been published widely at home and abroad with clients that include: Outdoor Photography, Practical Photography, Digital Camera, Photo Plus, Digital SLR, Photography Monthly, Dorset, Dorset Life, Devon Life and Somerset Life magazines, Telegraph magazine, The Reader’s Digest, David and Charles, CPRE, The Ramblers Association, AA Publishing and Canon.
November 20th, 2012
Internal Night: Photo Manipulation and Photoshop
Practical demonstration of Photoshop Techniques and introduction to other software packages such as Lightroom.
November 27th, 2012
Lecture: ‘A Combination of Colour and Mono Prints’
Speaker: Mark McColl DPAGB
Mark enjoy’s all types of photography, but landscape, travel and creative photography interest him most. He is a member of Ayr photographic society (president in 2010/11).
In 2009 he was fortunate to gain a distinction award from the photographic alliance of Great Britain (DPAGB). His work has been exhibited in numerous international photography exhibitions (salons), and he has been lucky enough to have won several international photographic awards. We are delighted to have Mark visit the club.
Mark will be showing a combination of colour and mono prints +/- some DPI’s.
December 4th, 2011 – Trip Out
We have decided that this evening will be a photography trip to capture the Christmas lights and festivities of Glasgow. Bring camera’s, tripods and warm clothes. We will probably try and do some interior pub photography at the end of the evening. Please note the council can be quite funny about the use of tripods, so best to ask first if you intend to use them in the “Winter Wonderland” – aka George Square.
Meeting point: Steps of Queens Street entrance at 7.30 pm.
December 11th, 2012
2nd Club Competition
Judge: Libby Smith MPAGB, EFIAP
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
January 8th, 2013
Internal Night; GDPU (Glasgow District Photographic Union) Portfolio
A chance to see the recent print work of “Glasgow District Photographic Union” clubs. An evening of informal comment.
January 15th, 2013
Lecture: ‘Small Game Hunting’
Speakers: Dr James Black
Projected digital images, with an emphasis on British and European butterflies. A wider selection of natural history is also shown, including UK, East Africa and North America
January 22nd, 2013
Internal Evening
January 29th, 2013
Lecture: ‘Thinking Mono’
Speaker: Shamil Khaorov
Dr Khairov lectures on Slavonic Studies at Glasgow University. He will be talking about making rural and urban landscapes and still lives with special attention to certain locations in the Russian North. Shamil is a member of The Russian Union of Photographic Artists. We are delighted to have him visit the club.
February 5th, 2013
Internal Night: SPF (Scottish Photographic Federation) Portfolio
A chance to see the recent print work of Scottish Photographic Federation clubs. An evening of informal comment.
February 12th, 2013
Internal Evening: Robert Simpson Cup
This will be an internal evening of peer-reviewed appraisal of images produced by club members. Every member is invited to bring 3 digital images for anonymous peer review. Members will then anonymously select 5 of their favourite images without an order of preference. In the event of a tie the previous winner of the Robert Simpson Cup, will act as adjudicator and provide the casting vote.
February 19th, 2013
Lecture: ‘Art and Photography’
Speakers: Graham Lister
Graham works with photographs, photocopies and oils to create distinctive and bold interpretations of traditional scenes. A graduate of one of the world’s most prestigious art institutes, The Glasgow School of Art, and shortlisted for the Mercury Prize for Art, Graham lister is tipped to be the next big name in the art world.
February 26th, 2013
External Evening: Interclub Competition Hosted at Hub Singer
Interclub competition between Milngavie and Bearsden, Hub Singer and Clydebank. Please support the clubs by coming along. The address for Hub Singer is:
Hub Community Centre
405 Kilbowie Road
G81 2TY
March 5th, 2013
Lecture: ‘The Sporting Life’
Speaker: Colin Robinson
We are delighted to have Colin Robinson from Kilmaurs revisit the Club to Lecture on ‘Sports & Events Photography”
Colin covers various social and sporting events such as show jumping, eventing, cycling, motocross, soccer and rugby tournaments.
March 12th, 2013
3rd Club Competition
Judge: Bob Collins
March 19th, 2013
Lecture: ”My Multi-mediawork”
Speaker: Chris Leslie
We are delighted to have Chris return to the club to discuss his photography and multi-media work. Chris is a documentary photographer, filmmaker based in Glasgow who recently graduated with a MA (Distinction) in Documentary Photography from London College of Communication.
His documentary photography, multimedia and film work has been exhibited in London, Glasgow and Sarajevo and his photography features regularly in newspapers and magazines.
March 26th, 2013
Lecture: ‘The discovery of slowness’
Speaker: Alex Boyd
From the pages of Vogue Magazine to a solo exhibition at the Scottish Parliament, the instantly recognisable images from Alex Boyd’s Sonnets series of photographs have been viewed in some high profile places.
These large format landscapes featuring a lone figure in some of Scotland’s most distinctive locations have won praise from figures such as Harry Benson who called Sonnets “stunning”.
Taking its name from the Sonnets from Scotland collection of poetry by Edwin Morgan, Sonnets is an ambitious five year project which has seen the photographer create around 100 works in some of Scotland’s most remote and remarkable locations.
Alex Boyd is the recipient of numerous awards and accolades such as The Dewar Award 2010, a Scottish Art Fund Award and the Toscana Prize, the UK winner of the Accademia Apulia Award 2011, and was also a finalist in the Renaissance Art Prize in 2010, EU photographer of the year 2009, and the Royal Scottish Academy Morton Award for Lens Based work in 2011. He is a Fellow of the Ballinglen Arts Foundation, and The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust . Alex has also made several media appearances.
April 2nd, 2013
Interclub Competition:
Judge: Stephen Lipton
Interclub Competition with Kirkintilloch, hosted by Milngavie.
Kirkintilloch Camera Club’s website:
Stephen Lipton’s website:
April 9th, 2013
Internal Night: ‘Members Lectures’
We are looking for three internal guest speakers to talk about their photography. Talks should be no more than 30 mins in length. It is always great to see talent from within the club.
April 16th, 2013
Lecture/ Practical Evening: ‘Equipment Night”
Please bring along your camera equipment -new and old. If you want to talk about a piece of kit you used in the past or now, feel free. We plan to put tables out to display photographic wares.
Not sure about how to use a bit of kit, hopefully we can help on the night. If there is any one piece of equipment/software you think other’s should know about, then please tell us. We hope to make this an interactive evening.
April 23rd, 2013
Annual Competition
Judge: Peter Paterson FRPS EFIAP MPAGB
Peter’s website:
April 30th, 2013
Trip Out: If anyone has any ideas for a photo-trip please let Euan or Malcolm know.
May 7th, 2013
AGM: Please attend and support the club for another year.
May 14th, 2013
Annual Meal and Prize Giving
The social highlight of the year, apart from the Tuesday tea/ coffee breaks. Venue to be advised nearer the time.
Page Content Prepared by Euan Fraser