Meetings in November

15/11/2022    “Conversations”- Ramblings of a So-Called Photographer by David Cantor
See:   Flickr:

22/11/2022   ‘My Wildlife Photography’ by Roger Stewart

29/11/2022   2nd Competition Judge – John McVie


New  Personal Gallery Images

New member Elaine Prior has just submitted 16 images illustrating the beauty of coastal Scotland in particular.

See more of Elaine’s images

Andy Hamilton has submitted new images for his gallery page

One of the new pictures from Andy Hamilton


Enter a Competition (Members only)

 See the competitions dates page for the club year 2021-2022. Please note the Hand-in Dates.
Competition entries for club members only are now made through 

Milngavie and Bearsden Camera Club is a photographic society open to those with a keen interest in photography. Club activities are centred on weekly meetings, held on a Tuesday evening between late September and April.  These are presently held on Zoom but normally take place at the Community Education Centre in Milngavie. For enquiries about membership, offers of lectures from experienced speakers, or comments, please read the About page and e-mail the club secretary. Alternatively, you can use the contact form on our ‘About‘ page.